Sunday, May 27, 2012

Now, a question of etiquette

You wake up at UUA-F4, Fountain, The Spire. You wake up at Lonetrek, Venal, Pure Blind. The Citadel. Lose an MCC Gain an MCC. This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. You wake up at Sing Laison. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, with different equipment, could you wake up as a different person? In Dust514 you do, every minute of your life is changing every aspect of your gear is improving, immersing your self as a immortal mercenary!

After playing Dust514, every other shooter gets its volume turned down, looks dull in comparison.. The reason im using so many fight club quotes (If you caught the references) I recently got into the closed beta testing of Dust514 and would love to tell you about this exclusive, possibly bias club of gamers, but I can't... If you haven't read/seen anything about this upcoming tittle from CCP Games, then you have plenty of time to do a little research, before reading more of my blog posts.. Due to the EULA I can't say much besides..

"The first Rule of Dust514 Closed beta:" Is you don't talk about Dust514 closed beta
"The second rule of Dust514 Closed beta:" Is you don't talk about Dust514 closed beta

(More to come as soon as the EULA is lifted )

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